Monday, August 18, 2008


im now home. it is great to be back. i figured i should write one last blog to finish off this thing. i wasn't able to get another entry in before i left for home. but, to sum things up, i rode a lot of buses and trains and metros and planes and slept in the airport a couple times and took naps on park benches and saw a lot of cool stuff. but im glad to be back. europe was awesome but the last 2 1/2 weeks in spain and amsterdam by myself were starting to wear on me. there were a few days where i hung out with people from the hostel or something and that was fun but for the most part i just walked around a lot by myself. after a while you just start to feel like a creep when you walk around in public and don't really talk to people much. i don't think i would do europe again by myself--but i also wouldn't trade the experience for anything either. traveling with friends is much better. im glad to be using the dollar again too; the euro turned me into a hobo.

overall, it's been an amazing summer and i loved every minute of it. i learned a lot. i love seeing different cultures and learning about them. i liked africa a lot more than europe mostly because of the wonderful people that live there. i miss it a lot and hope to return one day. unfortunately, i need to go back to school in a couple weeks. i should probably get a job too. hopefully this isn't the end of my traveling days............