Wednesday, July 30, 2008

it´s not a tumor

hey blog. well i am in barcelona right now taking advantage of this free internet at the hostel im staying at. it´s fast! i kind of miss reading a book while waiting for a webpage to load though. however, i forgot to pack my camera cord so i wont be able to put up any pics for a while.

i left africa a week ago but it seems longer than that. i really miss uganda. it was sad leaving everybody. i didnt feel too sad about leaving the HELP people because i´d see them in september but they were all crying so then i got sad too. it was sad leaving the people in lugazi though. i am gonna miss those people a lot. i am getting sad thinking about them right now. my two favorite people there were irene (our cook) and david (our gaurd). i feel that with them more than anyone i formed a true friendship. Irene reminds me so much of some of the maids i had on my mission that were my some of my best friends. i have a genuine admiration for people like irene and david who are just intrinsically good people. they don´t seem to have a bad bone in their body. i´ll miss the people of uganda in general so much. it was an amazing experience working with all of them. i really hope that i can return some day.

well onto the more superfluous news (im not sure if i used that word right but i wanted to use a big word). i rafted the nile again the saturday before i left and almost died again. sunday i went to wedding reception. patrick, a member of town council, got married and invited all of us. it was a lot bigger of a deal than we all expected i think. but we went and they presented us in front of about 400 people. the best part of all of it was arriving with amber in her traditional african dress, papaya headwrap and all. we showed up late and stephen escorted us as everyone stared to our seats right up front. and, to top it all off, the mugimu´s invited some of us to dinner that night so we had to leave like 20 minutes after we got there. im pretty sure that it was quite a spectacle as we stood up in the middle of the mayor´s speech and walked out but i just tried to find the door and not make eye contact with anyone as i left. it was worth it though because dinner at the mugimu´s was awesome! they are the coolest family. they are from uganda but lived and studied in utah then moved back to uganda to help the people here.

and since i left uganda i ´ve been in paris for the last week doing some sightseeing with jeff, dan, and tori. it was a lot of fun. i probably could have made it to barcelona with all the walking we did. it didn´t help that half the time i was wearing my italian boots either. but it was cool, we saw a lot of monuments, museums, and parks. i think just about every french stereotype is exactly true. except that they are rude. only a few of them were rude, but most were nice. and yep, there were a lot of cigarettes, accordians, berets, painters, and beautiful people. jeff, dan, and tori left before me so my last couple days in paris i went to the picasso museum, visited jim morrison´s and frederic chopin´s graves, and even managed to see a movie. i was hoping to see the new batman movie but it wasnt out yet so i saw hancock, it was good. i need to go back through all my photos to remember everything that i saw in paris. its a bit of a blur right now. barcelona is really cool. i got here yesterday. today i was planning on going on a free walking tour of the gothic neighborhood but i was late and missed it. so i decided to go to the beach and take a dip in the ocean. so......the beaches are a bit different here. a lot of women dont bother wearing tops or even attempting to cover themselves. i felt bad for going, but i went swimming anyways--it was a hot day ok. anyways, after swimming, i walked around a lot and went to the picasso museum here in barcelona which was really cool because they had a temporary exhibit which featured picasso´s work and study on ¨las meninas¨by Velasquez. it was really cool to see because i studied a bit about the painting in my spanish classes and its a rad painting. after that, i went to the Salvador Dali museum which was amazing as well. tomorrow im gonna check out all the famous architecture by Gaudi im excited for that. i hope i dont get too lonely here by myself though.

ok please. byeee.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's a tumor.

Don't get lonely in Barcelona <3